Rec Center Brings Smiles Even on Rainy Days

Summer in Wisconsin is the perfect time to enjoy the great outdoors. For our campers at the Albert & Ann Deshur JCC Rainbow Day Camp, this means time spent playing, swimming, exploring nature, gardening, and just plain getting dirty!
There are, however, activities that best take place indoors, and days when the weather just doesn’t cooperate. So, when our Rainbow Day Camp lay leadership was dreaming big and camp’s Generation of Smiles Capital Campaign was in full swing, more indoor space was at the top of the wish list.
For Harris Turer, the owner, and owner and CEO of our beloved Milwaukee Admirals ice hockey team, memories of summers as a camper in Fredonia harken back to a time of fun, friendship, and Jewish connection. So of course, when Lenny approached Harris regarding making an investment for the future of camp, Harris responded with a resounding, “Yes.”
“I remember fondly my years as a camper at what was then called Camp JCC (now Rainbow Day Camp). Our entire family and the Milwaukee Admirals are honored to be a part of this wonderful, new facility for the campers.”
Now, thanks to the generosity of Harris Turer and the Milwaukee Admirals, we have the perfect indoor facility, the Admirals Rec Center! This amazing space is an indoor gymnasium complete with basketball courts, bathrooms, and a large classroom.
The gym is large enough to allow the entire camp to gather indoors if necessary, and the building’s proximity to the garden makes the classroom the perfect headquarters for our Bonim Farms program. Here our adult friends with different abilities work on washing, sorting, and packaging their harvested fruits, veggies, and herbs. Much of what is grown is donated to our Jewish Community Pantry.
This summer camp will enjoy full use of this important space and we will celebrate with a dedication ceremony. The Admirals Rec Center will serve our camp community for years to come.
Click here to read more stories of impact from the 2021-22 Annual Report.