Jewish Life 4 min read

Explore Purim

By JCC Milwaukee March 20, 2024

what is purim?

The joyous holiday of Purim falls on the 14th of the Hebrew month of Adar. It recounts the saving of the Jews from a threatened massacre in Persia, or ancient Iran, in the 5th century BCE. The heroine of the story, Queen Esther, has hidden her Jewish identity from her husband, King Achashverosh. When her guardian, Mordechai, discovers that the King’s advisor, Haman (BOO!1), has devised an evil plot to annihilate the Jewish people of Persia, Esther risks her life and reveals her true identity to the king to save her people.

Like Hanukkah, Purim is considered a minor festival in Jewish tradition, but it has been elevated to a major celebration of Jewish survival and continuity in most modern Jewish communities. This awesome holiday full of dress-up, fun, and merriment is also about helping our friends, our neighbors, and our community.

Ways to observe the holiday:

Want to learn more about the holidays or how your family can connect with the JCC?

Explore PJ Library Milwaukee for young families raising Jewish or multi-faith children.
Contact Rachel Pressman to get connected to additional resources.

  1. To drown out the name of the evil-doer in the story, it is customary to boo and/or shake noise-makers every time his name is said out loud. ↩︎